Dogs’ nutritional needs may differ from ours. What we deem as healthy for us might not sufficient or appropriate for them. To give y...
The world’s most funny dog video – 30 million View!!!
The world’s most funny dog video – 30 million View!!! Catch the funniest dog video ever of dogs doing the things that...
Pugs : smaller breed of dog
If you are looking for a smaller breed of dog, one that is great with children, elderly, and strangers than you may want to give this br...
Brave young man saving this poor dog after falling into river
Brave young man saving this poor dog after falling into river see the photos in order to see the full story ...
Dog Training : The Command Voice
When giving commands to a dog, a calm, firm, authoritative voice is most effective. Dogs do not respond well to hesitant, pleading voice...
How To Make Your Dog Obey You ?
Most people contend that dogs are created to obey their masters. That is why they are considered the man’s best friend. However, obedien...
New Dog Training, The Basics And Beyond
A dog is very similar to a television remote that needs to be programmed to work with a TV. The capabilities to work are already there i...
Simple Training Techniques For Use With Your Dog
One extremely annoying, but very natural, dog trait is incessant barking. This not only can be a disruption for you, but also will prove...
How To Train Your New Puppy The Right Way
Without proper training and obedience lessons, man’s best friend can become man’s worst enemy. Aggressive behavior, hyperactivity and ch...
Dog Origins: Where Do Dogs Come From ?
It’s widely believed that dogs originated over 17,000 years ago; recent DNA testing and closer fossil examination is suggesting that dog...
Recipe: black labrador bread pudding
Black Labrador Bread Pudding 9 servings 2 apples – preferably the Granny Smith 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1/2 cup plus 1 tablesp...